Reconciling Judaism and restoration

TLDR below

So, I've (28M) been a very long time lurker (years) here. I hope that my story will also motivate others who are in a similar boat than I am.

I have learned about restoration like 11 years ago, and started restoring (save the odd manual stretch) 2 years ago with a DTR. Now, I have a few issues. I always knew that I didn't like being circumcised (since I was 3 or 4). I saw my friends in kindergarten and later in primary school trips all having foreskins and I can remember asking why they have that and why I don't, and feeling so jealous. But religiously there was quite a point made by family on how great circumcision was. I grew up in a non-Jewish country, and even most of my Jewish friends were not circumcised (that too exists, behind the former iron curtain).

I moved to Israel a couple of years ago, where I have lived a fairly more Jewish life, something that I really enjoy and greatly value. So I am asking myself how do I reconcile my abhorrence to circumcision without denying religion and thousands of years of tradition which is also important to me. It's a question that I am still figuring out, but I believe that it is feasible. I guess the basis of the reasoning that I have is, that I choose the parts I like from my culture and religion but this part I did not choose, and would like to opt out, like I am opting out of keeping Shabbat, or the prohibition on premarital sex.

My girlfriend, less religious, but also very Jewish in her identity, and I had a conversation that if we ever had baby boys what would we do, and she said that it is up to me. Obviously at the time I never told her about the extent of my opinion or that I am restoring when I can (went from a CI-1 to a CI-2.5/3 in two years), and I said that I am on the fence. After months of discussion we agreed that no, there won't be a Bris. I want our children to be Jewish, grow and learn to be Jewish, but when they are old enough to decide, they can do bris or forego it. That is a decision (I and she either) cannot make for them. I personally wouldn't, but it's a decision they can make themselves.

So, when I told her about restoration, maybe 9 months in our a relationship. And lo and behold, she was only surprised and a bit sad that I wouldn't tell her sooner. I educated her on the issue, and showed her all sides of the discussion just so that she can understand me, and she is 100% supportive of me restoring (although might not be as passionate as I am 😂).

Now, I could restore more regularly, and sometimes taking of the device even becomes foreplay (sorry if this needs an NSFW tag, still new at this). And also amazingly there is a difference for both her and I due to gliding action, which is an amazing confirmation that what we do here albeit slowly, but works. (It feels already much better after just a few months of increased consistency - 5days/7 for 5-6 hour a day - with the DTR). She even mentions how much she likes the extra skin feeling wise.

Thank you all for reading and creating a path that I could follow, and though unknowingly giving me motivation throughout the years. This community is amazing, and I will post more soon with a bunch of questions that I always wanted to ask.

TLDR: It's not an easy thing, but feasible to reconcile being Jewish (and traditional to a degree) and being a restorer and a (quiet) opponent of circumcision.