Do people like the appearance of the ultra rare apparel? Or just get excited because it's rare?

Newish player here, still familiarizing myself with the game and overall loving it. I finally completed my SS armor but hated the look so I have been browsing apparel options where I learned about the ultra rare drops. Really annoying that apparently Bethesda flags them in no way but whatever...

Anyway, I kind of assumed that apparel that rare and valuable would stand out...but to me it doesn't? If I saw someone wearing a Tattered Field Jacket, I wouldn't think "wow! I wonder how they got that", I would just assume its another ragged set of regular clothes. The same with the rest...they are all just different colored jumpsuits and such.

I guess my question is if this is just my personal taste? Do other people get pumped up for the appearance (not rarity) of these items? Or is it just simply that they are rare so you wear them to show off to those who know?

I just so rarely see any outfits in the game that look good to me and I'm kind of curious if that's just me or a more widespread feeling? Every outfit I see is either "escaped from Fortnight" or "I robbed a corpse"...