Failed my instrument checkride because of my passenger briefing
Yesterday, I had my instrument checkride with a new DPE. During the oral, 20 minutes in, she failed me for planning RNAV approaches at both alternate and destination airports. I was pretty sure I was allowed to do this since I had a waas gps so I told her and we looked at the far/aim and sure enough we were allowed to. she apologized and “unfailed” me and we continued. Oral was about 2.2 hours. We got in the plane to go do the flight portion of the test and just before we got to the runway she told me to taxi back to the fbo because I didn’t include “no smoking allowed” in my passenger brief and told me I failed the test. I followed the SAFETY acronym for the briefing. At the fbo I looked at far 91.519 and it does say that I must brief about smoking but also that I don’t have to do the briefing if I believe that the passenger already knows that information. She didn’t give me the opportunity to continue the test and called it right there even though she failed me for a reason that isn’t in the instrument ACS. She gave me a date to reschedule with her but it would involve me flying out to another airport in another state. During the post flight briefing she also stated that I mentioned icing is negligible at less than -20c and said it was actually-10c but everywhere I look also says -20c. I get that I made a mistake in the end and I’ll take the fail but I can’t help but feel like she was looking for any reason to fail me considering she didn’t even let me takeoff and failed me for something not even in the ACS. I’m just wondering if you guys think this is normal.