Firefox for Android is probably the most advanced mobile browser I've ever used.

I've used many, many browsers on both iOS and Android, and none of them are even close to as capable as Firefox for Android and other Gecko-based Android browsers. Firefox for Android allows me to view PDFs without downloading them, a feature which I have yet to find on Chromium-based Android browsers. While Safari for iOS doesn't let me download PDFs on some websites, Firefox for Android does. I can just press the "download" button at the top left of the PDF viewer.

On top of all that, I cannot use the web version of Google Earth on any or iOS browsers or Chromium-based Android browsers, but on Firefox for Android, I can (as long as I have my phone in landscape mode). You might be asking yourself "why would you want to view Google Earth on your phone browser when you can get the app." The simple answer is I had to check on one of my projects and I don't use Google Earth on my phone enough to need the app.

In terms of Google Maps, I generally do not use the app when I'm just exploring the world on my free time because I prefer to see the Earth as a globe rather than as a flat map. Since I cannot view the world as a globe on the app, I use the website. I've noticed that on every Chromium based Android browser I've used, I cannot zoom in or out on Google Maps on the desktop website (I have to use the desktop website to get the globe view), but on Firefox for Android, it works perfectly.

And best of all, Firefox for Android lets you get all kinds of extensions. Even if an extension isn't specifically made for Android, you can still get desktop Firefox extensions on your phone. Most Chromium based browsers on Android do not offer extensions, and for those that do, they don't work super well. Safari on iOS also does not offer many extensions.

Overall, I am blown away by how capable Firefox for Android is. In fact, it's so capable that it feels more like a desktop browser in disguise. If only Mozilla could bring their masterpiece to iOS. Unfortunately, they are stuck using Webkit on iOS devices :(