Please stop changing my job 14
Spoiler to all the Black mages, we look to be getting changed more, and for the worse again. This is the second expansion in a row where I've had to swap jobs bc the devs seek to squeeze all the unique things I like out of it so new players who don't like the job in the first place can perform just a bit better when leveling the job for mounts and titles.
Changes observed, no more timers, at all basically. U don't even have to manage ur thundercloud proc well, or fire starter for some reason tho I don't have an issue with the removal of that timer. But enochan is the life blood of the job, that's been streamlined constantly since ew with the removal of the skill and then now just no more timers.
Why, stop changing BLM. IDC if we never get new original skills every expac and we only get new animations or some shit. Stop changing it. Ew BLM was good, why are u doing this. Stop