I’m afraid.. I really need your helps guys
Hello everyone, (I’m Female 24 years old.) So I stand before you today as someone caught between two worlds. I was born and raised in Europe, but my roots are deeply tied to Morocco. My family’s traditions, values, and expectations have always been a part of my life, shaping me in ways I both appreciate and struggle with.
One of my biggest fears right now is being honest with my family. I no longer identify as Muslim( I read the Quran), and I also want to marry someone they would never approve of. This guys is so respectful, kind, generous etc etc.. This truth weighs on me every day because I know what it means in my family’s eyes. Disappointment. Betrayal. Maybe even rejection.
Growing up, my relationship with my mother was very difficult. It wasn’t just the usual disagreements between a parent and a child—it was (and still is) a constant battle of expectations versus who I really am. She wanted me to be someone I couldn’t be, and I felt like I was never enough. She wanted me to be the perfect Muslim with hijab etc.. And I’m little afraid of what she can do.
I love my family, and I don’t want to hurt them. But I also can’t keep living a life that isn’t mine just to make them happy.
I really appreciate if you guys can help me. Thank you.