Recurring Themes in Evillious

Evillious has a lot of recurring themes throughout the songs and the novels. Some are explicitly stated while others are more subtle. Sure, it gets a little repetitive, but it's really interesting to see how mothy writes the different characters' takes on the same theme.

Here's some of the major themes I've noticed and the characters who connect with them:

"[For (insert reason),] I will even become evil." – all throughout the series

  • Allen Avadonia uses this towards Riliane, saying that he will become "evil" if that's what it takes to stay by her side.
  • Germaine Avadonia says this about her revenge against Riliane.
  • Adam Moonlit says this about his plan to takerevenge against the Senate and free his mother.

Running away [from something] – one of the subtle themes, highlighted by Elluka and Meta

  • Held notes that Elluka Clockworker would rather run away and flee than see her loved ones fall into ruin.
  • Meta Salmhofer plays it straight with her physically running away from those who would see her dead.
  • Levia Barisol has the tendency to deny reality when it gets painful, hiding behind "safe" constructed illusions. She passes this trait to her reincarnations, Elluka and Nemesis.
  • Carlos Marlon is this towards his responsibilities, which includes his ex-fiancé Banica.

Dependence on parental figures.
"Tell me, Mother, Father."

  • Maria Moonlit, the 7th Alice Merry-Go-Round, is this to LeviaBehemo.
  • Nemesis Sudou is this towards her mother, but not her father. Sadly for her, the "mother" she knows is only a delusion she created.

What other themes have you noticed? Which characters do you see are affected?