If a game was made for Evillious...

Excuse the tags. I'm not sure which flair this should fall under. Worldbuilding, maybe, but there's no tag that says that... but anyways...

Madam Merry-Go-Round would be an in-game administrator, regardless of what type of game it is. She'll hand out missions and manage the routes, she'll set up your save points and record your progress. Just imagine having her greet you at the beginning of every playthrough and at the end of every failed route.

As for the routes, maybe there's multiple good, neutral and bad ends and one true end. Maybe every end except one is bad. Either is nice. Hansel and Gretel's songs already revealed that while there are only four endings, there's plenty of ways to achieve them. Apparently mixing and matching is possible. Now that would be great.

The player character could be an Irregular. Even if they aren't, the Clockwork Lullaby is a must-have in their skillset. Maybe they could be an Inheritor. Depending on the game, there could be a whole selection of characters to play as, which could possibly include the main characters of Evillious Chronicles themselves.

Considering Madam Merry-Go-Round's role, maybe the game's plot could go somewhere along the lines of "discover the truth of the past and find the path to true salvation". She'd then send the player to various points in time to do just that. Of course, there will be routes where the player's actions does nothing to change the story and then some where everything goes off the rails and into a whole other parallel worldline.

Some characters, namely Irregulars, gods, spirits and demons, might be able to tell the player doesn't belong. Depending on their mood and alignment, they could help the player or they could mess with them.

Ma would be an absolute sneak. She'd pretend to be on your side and then backstab you at the most important moment. And it would work every time... if the player didn't already know of their two-faced nature. Then again, Ma could play it smart and hide herself all the way to the end.

Banica would be one hell of a wildcard. The main deal with her would be whether or not the player is useful or not to her agenda. Whether she's regained her memories and recalled her Servants or not will also affect her stance. But she's definitely on par with Ma: the perfect ally and the worst enemy.

What do you think?