I’m just experiencing really scary symptoms and would like someone to talk to
Okay so everything was fine I was laying down with my bf watching youtube except i’ve been having pretty constant mild period cramping all day (and have been for the last 5 days) my periods irregular so i guess it’s coming soon. but we were just laying on the couch watching youtube and then my period cramps were getting worse and i suddenly got really intense pain in my upper/mid stomach. it’s like off and on and moving around and it was really intense. then it was time for my bf to leave so i quickly said bye to him because i was in so much pain and was about to start panicking. then i was suddenly having hot flashes and had to go poop. so i went and it was normal, no diarrhea. and i’m also feeling mild nausea throughout this whole time. The last thing i ate was a burrito bowl 4h ago but i eat from that place all the time and they sit well with me. so anyway now im just laying in my bed crying scared i caught a stomach bug because of the pain, hot flashes, nausea. and it came on suddenly and everyone says those things come on suddenly and im so so scared. sorry this isn’t written very well im panicking and cant be bothered to care about grammar.