Nightblade PvP daggers vs bow
I have read and seen in game that melee dual wielding night blades seem to do way more burst damage than a bow NB. This is only referring to PvP
Is that true or just something I seemed to notice? Top guides also back it up
If that is true, what’s the difference maker? Why are dual daggers putting out so much more damage than bow?
I thought maybe it was the sets
But then I saw stuff like orders wrath or rallying cry listed as BiS for daggers magicka NB. Which is standard meta (except maybe orders wrath isn’t ?)
If it’s not the sets, what is it? The skills that a NB can use in melee are much more damage than now? Quicker attacks?
I’m just trying to understand
And while I’m here
I’ve done my own research but always open to more opinions and learn something new, what are the BiS builds both for magicka melee NB and stam bow NB?
All of this is only in reference to PvP