People who play the opposite gender of themselves in game - why?
This is absolutely not meant to be a judgmental question but one of actual curiosity.
I'm a male, and my main (along with most of my played characters) has been a female since I first created her. However, nowadays I feel kinda weird about it, and have half a mind to get an appearance change and make it a male instead. It's mostly just nostalgia holding me down but I know I'll eventually just do it.
My reasoning was simple - I wanted to recreate the Altmer hero from the original launch trailer. Loved the way she was the most competent out of the 3 heroes, and so I went by her looks. She ended up looking nowhere near the same, but I stuck by it anyway.
Would be interested to hear your stories, even if it's the same old "I don't wanna stare at a guy's ass".