Theorizing on Potential DW:O Hypotheticals and DLC

I'm sure there's been a lot of posts about this but I just want to throw my hat into the ring about what I think may be added based solely on what is in the game already and thus could maybe become DLC

Zhang Jiao Hypothetical

I strongly feel that if Origins gets any big DLC, then this will be it. Zhang Jiao and the Yellow Turbans more than any other aspect of the story got massively increased spotlight in Origins. In a way it feels crazy that you can't already join him as the Yellow Turbans see you as an ally to their goals. In addition to this, Zhang Jiao has a unique weapon that could be added to the game as an additional moveset with him as an playable companion.

The game I feel has more than enough to do a Yellow Turban DLC as well, since we would not only have Zhang Jiao to talk to during cutscenes but Zhou Cang as well.

If this DLC did happen I wouldn't expect it to be long, probably only the size of a single chapter of the game and ending with fighting Dong Zhou or Yuan Shao as a representative of the Han itself.

The next DLC I have a bit less confidence in happening

Lu Bu Hypothetical

This I have less confidence in happening as the Lu Bu parts of the main story have less room to work with than the Yellow Turban parts, but what stands out about Origins is the weapons we see NPCs using but are unusable: Throwings Knives, Club, and Fan.

Diaochan is the queen of throwing knives in the story, using them in cutscenes in cool ways to the point where it's shocking that we don't get to use them in the story. If these game does get DLC, I am more than willing to bet we'll get this weapon and a Lu Bu Hypothetical would be the perfect opportunity to make Diaochan a companion.

As for the Club, I bet we all nearly forgot that Hua Xiong is in this game. He doesn't appear in cutscenes and unless the player rushes at Hulao Gate they likely won't even get to fight him. Guess what weapon he has though? A Club. If they were to do a Lu Bu Hypothetical I can easily see one of the added things being officer conversations with Hua Xiong and some added screentime for him.

As for the fan, I kinda started typing this thinking Chen Gong used one but it turns out he has throwing knives oops! So I guess it's up in the air over when and how Koei will implement that weapon.