best ship build [Expension DLC Included]

Greetings fishers and creatures i might have the best ship layout and i will expain why

Infused rods foor more fishing speed then normal and u can use versitale rod but theres no yellow " ^"

versitale rod gives u 94% fishing speed it sounds goood but the infused rods actualy gives u the same fishing speed

Infused hoist gives u also more fishing speed then the original

Encrusted talisman for.. fishing speed obviosly

sinew spindle for abormation bonus

Engine stack and 4 jet drive engines for 123.8kn boat speed

flame of the sky cuz its the best light

you can replace ice rod with another thing if u dont go to pale reach

If this boat layout helped u vote me 5 stars in google maps

if u have anything to say just comment it