Here to learn! Allowed here? ⚠️Abortion talk warning⚠️

I don’t have Down syndrome, my family members don’t have Down syndrome and I’m no parent or doctor, however I went to classrooms and have hung out with many people who have Down syndrome. I also follow some social media influencers with Down syndrome and/or are parents of children with Down syndrome. IMO Down syndrome is not something that shouldn’t exist. I might in the future, adopt a few children who have Down syndrome. If I am ever pregnant with a child who has Down syndrome, I’d still continue the pregnancy. Two girls who are some of the best friends of mine have trisomy 21, to protect their privacy, I won’t be sharing their names, however they are both girls, like me. I can’t imagine life being that good if their parents aborted them. They would never be born and I’d never have as many friends. Every time some internet trolls want parents to abort their child with T21 or that parents choose to adopt their child with the chromosomal abnormality, it makes me sad because I think of all the amazing people who could’ve been aborted. The Down syndrome life expectancy has improved over the years and I believe by the time I’m in my 40’s, (that starts in 2042 and ends 2052) the trisomy 21 life expectancy will be completely average! I’m also curious if people with Down syndrome are allowed to post here. If I’m allowed to post here, I’ll continue, if not, I will just comment. Although I don’t have Down syndrome, I do have intellectual disability and hypotonia as well as optic refractive errors, all of which are common in Down syndrome and I was born with a curable heart defect common in Down syndrome, known as VSD, which I grew out of on my own without treatment. Which makes me able to relate to people with Down syndrome. So am I welcome here and do I count as a person familiar enough with Down syndrome?