Should I pay 500+ for a driving license?
Hello, Im currently a college student with epilepsy and cerebral palsy.
Regarding these conditions I believe there not so bad. I haven't have a seizure in a while and I can walk and do basic daily tasks. Though I still struggle controlling the pedals and steering the wheel. I asked my local driving school if they could teach me but they wouldnt except me ( assuming bc Im disabled ). My grandparents tried to teach me but I almost put my grandpa's car in a ditch and they really don't know how to teach me with my disabillties. overall that would take a lot of time and patients on there end.
Reasons why I want a license :
In the US its kinda necessary unless you want to spend a small fortune Uber
My grandma is pressuring me cause she pays the Uber everyday
I'll be moving halfway across the states bc my family is moving but I'll be moving first for my Fall 2025 semester. They'll follow me but first they'll need to sell the house and build a new one. No one will be able to help me if I need a lift and don't want to Uber.
It will allow me to get a job and make internships easier.
I'll be receiving my grandmothers old car so I won't need to buy a car but I will need to foot the 500$ bill for the driving for the disabled program. ( My insurance won't cover it )In addition I would have to 30$+ for uber ( by this time I will get my finical aid refund and my grandma won't pay for Uber anymore ) And even more to get myself home. I knew that this is a good investment for the long run but, at least for me, this is a absorbent amount of money and Im debating just begging my grandparents to teach me.