I hope to do right by you guys today!
CBS is doing a story about people in need of organ donations. They contacted me about 6 months back or so, they’re doing a tv program to get people to know more about the needs for organ donations and transplants. They’ve been talking to me on and off since then, even did a phone interview as well. And today they’re coming to my dialysis clinic to interview me. They’ll take some video, take some pics, and it’ll be on CBS at some point and it’ll also be on their YT channel as well once they’ve done all the editing. I did the final paperwork signing yesterday. And I can’t wait, hopefully it’ll get more folks looking to donate some kidneys, and maybe it’ll even get family members to sign off on donating a lost loved one’s heart. I gotta get some rest before it’s time to go. Gotta be able to successfully stay awake for later. Here’s to hoping that me doing this will extend if not all but at least some of your lives. You guys are like my third family second being my dialysis techs and everyone at my clinic!