Just started dating someone, got a small gift, was it too cheap?

I (38M) have been on 6 dates with a woman (35F). Things have been going well, and our dates have been half days or multi-day over the weekend dates, though we are not exclusive yet. Before our 4th date, she mentioned she was really stressed out by work and was looking forward to spending time together. So I thought I could be sweet and get her a little something before our date. So I figured I could get something 'relaxing' so I got her a set of bath bombs and face masks for around 30 dollars.
I gave her the gift and said I knew you were stressed so I got something that you can hopefully use to relax. She thanked me, but it was clear she was ambivalent about the gift and didn't really say anything after that.

On the next date, she mentioned how she thought the gift was cheap and “not to the standard of products she uses for her skin” (I had no idea about this) and that “its clear that you treat yourself well but not others”. She also said such a cheap gift made her feel like I thought she wasn't worth much to me. But apparently a "40 dollar nice candle would have been fine." I don't get it. I am relatively well off and have nice things, but I was taken aback by a generalization on how I treat others. She said "If you didn't treat yourself well I wouldn't have a problem." Which didn't make much sense to me, I just met you? How would you know how I treat others?

I was just trying to be thoughtful, and I'm fairly certain that this is a red flag there is something wrong, but was I being too cheap in this case?