Any feedback on what I'm doing wrong?

Four matches, all ghosts, I can't go out, so I have to resort to OLD.

Should I double text? What can I improve on?

First: Her: This Year I really want to <<list>> Me: have you completed your list yet? Her: these are the ones I haven't done yet lol. What about you? Me: oh cool, so what have you done already? These are some of the things I want to get done this year <<list>> (we had several overlapping goals too)

Second: Her: likes my pic Me: so what's the answer to <<insert her joke here>>? A couple weeks later Me: the build up is killing me, how about we go out to <<place>> and you tell me the punchline in person?

Third: Her: liked a comment about going out Me: hey, glad we matched, how's your weekend going?

Fourth: Me: cheesy opener Her: likes it Me: how's your week going? Her: hey it was pretty crazy, how's yours? Me: mine was actually quiet, got any plans for the weekend?