i like japan but nobody knows

nobody knows this but i felt like putting it on here i love japan i love the culture food and everything about it but nobody knows like when i was 10-12 i made it very obvious but at 12 i stopped liking it for about a year (6th grade summer to 7th grade around feb) and i feel like i can’t tell anyone my best friend knows i like japan and anime but he doesn’t know i still wanna move there and idk if i want him to know my parents are really understanding and accepting and they wouldn’t really this of it as bad but idk and my best friend he doesn’t rlly like japan or anime all he likes about japan is the food he loves sushi and ramen and all that but idk ever since 6th grade(it’s part of elementary for me) i’ve made a new life i’m popular and have a lot of friends and hang out with many girls but i know if people found out they would stop hanging out and liking me, people think i wanna stay in the us or go to canada and play hockey which i do love hockey i’m on my way to practice right down but for the last 2 years i’ve been going through an identity crisis and over think everything and i do love hockey and i feel like it’s really fun and helps me with stress and the reason i came on here is because i searched up if anyone else like japan and everything but nobody knows and i didn’t find any so i am putting this so if anyone with a similar situation ends up seeing this and could read comments by others. btw i’m 14 my birthday was yesterday and in 8th grade last year of high school and wanna be a chef i’m going to a culinary school after freshman year until i graduate.