"Do you feel like you're obligated to say that?"

At work, a group of us were having a discussion about children. It was about 50:50 of who has kids and who doesn't have kids/doesnt want kids.

It started off with myself saying that one reason I don't want kids (there is literally hundreds) is that I couldn't imagine coming home from a long day of work, cooking dinner and the kids saying it's gross and not wanting to eat it.

One of the workers, T, laughed and said that her kids do that and she just tells them to eat it.

She did say sometimes she doesn't feel like eating it and would rather get take out but has to set a good example and eat the food she has made. That some days she just wants to come home after work and lie in bed but can't because she has responsibilities to care for her children

She went on to say a lot of things, how she misses the freedom, how long things take because she has to get herself ready plus the kids, how expensive they are etc.

She also said that when the kids were born, she cried and said she didn't want them because she couldn't bond with them immediately.

After all that she said "but I wouldn't change it, I love my kids"

I made a face when she said that and I replied "Do you feel like you're obligated to say that?"

She asked what I meant and I explained that I often hear parents list all the terrible things about having kids and then end it with "but I wouldn't change it". I said, to me, it sounds a bit like Stockholm Syndrome where you kind of gas light yourself into believing it.

She said it had never really occured to her.

I asked her if she wanted kids or just had them out obligation as it's traditionally the "next step" after marriage and she said that she also never questioned having kids, she just did. She said if he partner didn't want kids she probably wouldn't have had them.

The coworker and I are fairly close so we both wouldn't have been this honest if it were other people but it was just an interesting conversation.

There is no doubt that she loves her kids and she's a good mum but it's always fascinating to me talking to people about kids.