Recycling Nonsense

Nothing actually serious/important, just want to complain about a minor nuisance.

The other week my building didn’t have much recycling, maybe a grocery bag’s worth or a bit more. I take the bin out to the curb anyway and later see the recycling guy check inside, then drive off without emptying it. That’s fine. I bet they’re always under a time crunch, always a bit behind.

This week, for whatever reason, my building has tons of recycling. The bin is stuffed. One of my neighbors leaves an extra bag of recycling beside the bin because there’s just not room. I take everything out to the curb.

Later on, I hear the truck come by so I go out to collect the bin and find that they’ve emptied the bin but left the extra bag. What’s the end game? Are we going to be perpetually left with an extra bag of recycling?

Edit: I get that they don’t want people leaving loose recycling out on the curb, it’s just that we wouldn’t have had that extra bag if they’d actually emptied the bin earlier!