Do you keep 'duplicate' books? (e.g. the same book but different editions)
I really like the recent trend in publishing of special edition hardcovers, so I now buy those special editions when there's one of a book I really liked. This resulted in having some books twice, since I already owned the paperback and now the hardcover too. I also want to free up some space on my shelves by getting rid of unwanted books, and taking those paperbacks off the shelves frees up a lot of space for new books. But I'm a little conflicted about getting rid of them. On one hand, it's pretty useless to own two of the same book, especially since the text is exactly the same (the special edition usually even has some more content). On the other hand, it just feels wrong. It feels like a waste of money that I bought those paperbacks, only read them once, and already get rid of them, while I might want to reread them, and some sentimental part of me doesn't want to throw out those books that gave me so many happy memories, even though I have a replacement (that's way prettier too). But as you can see, those are all emotional arguments, while the most logical choice is to leave them off the shelves. The only 'logical' reason I can think of to keep them is that I might want to lent the books to someone else or let my future children read them or something, and I don't want to risk the special editions to get dirty or damaged. But even then, books are meant to be read, not to sit on a shelf and look pretty, even if they're special editions.
In conclusion, I need someone to convince my emotional brain why I shouldn't/should get rid of these books.
So I was wondering how everyone else does this. Do you keep both editions on your shelves? Do you keep the cheaper one in storage? Or does the cheaper edition get thrown out? And why/why not?
*Whenever I say 'get rid of' or 'thrown out', I mean getting donating them to a second-hand bookstore or selling them myself. No books were harmed in the making of this post.