Chris Ryan's become a full-blown Spoilerphobe huh. That annoying guy who asks you about trailers just to tell you he turned off the trailer halfway through so he can complain about how trailers ruin everything even though 1) no they don't and 2) nobody asked, bro
It really kinda sucks. He's normally the "cool hang" glue guy on the Ringer, I guess. But it's definitely a bummer for one of your go-to media guys to become one of the most annoying internet types there is - the obnoxious spoilerphobe who complains about having things he hasn't even watched yet "ruined" for him because a 2 minute commercial full of out-of-context images for a 2 hour (or 8-12hr in the case of TV) story barely laid out the premise of the story they have to sell to get people to buy a ticket/tune in.
It's extra annoying because half the time on The Watch his go-to conversation prompt is "hey Andy lets talk about commercials/trailers" and lately (like today's most recent episode) the immediate follow up is "so uh I didn't even finish the commercial I turned it off halfway through"
Considering how not good he is at calling where a story is going to go anyway (his track record is, frankly, shit) I'm sort of baffled as to how or why he thinks these ads - almost all of which are just detailing the basic premise of the stories he's about to watch and nothing more - are now suddenly "spoiling" everything for him. To the point where he's becoming this weird incurious, annoying spoilerphobe baby about trailers now.
It's probably Fennessey's fault?