Is it bad I don't want another baby?

Am I bad for not wanting another baby?....we agreed we would like two, and ideally I would like two kids. But I don't think I do husband is not a bad father but he is not near the father I thought he'd be. He's shown countless times he'd rather spend his time on his hobbies than with our child, and when he is with our child he is ALWAYS on his phone. There is hardly any quality time given. I swear on my life he is constantly on the phone, I have to tell him to put it away, even when we are driving with our baby I have to tell him to put it away.

Also I am not the mother I want to be for our child....I lose my patience and get frustrated more than I want to, I feel so bad when it happens. Mostly I'm really good at keeping my cool with baby, but some days the lack of sleep or the constant crying drives closer to an edge than I'd like. I don't know if I can handle 2 dogs and 2 kids and still be the mom I want to be.... When I am starting to lose my patience too much to stay calm I'll ask my husband to take the baby but he comes into the situation frustrated and swearing or speaking to the baby in an irritated tone and then I feel like "well why would I even give the baby to you then, I'm asking you to take them so that they have someone calm and I can walk away to recenter." Idk I know it's wrong but I feel like he doesn't have a right to be frustrated because he's just getting the baby not even had them 2 mins and is upset with them where as I have had them all day on a bad day and now that he's home I feel like I can pass on the baby and have a release of my frustration/regroup away from baby.

Idk, I love him but he's not the partner raising a child I thought he would be....I find myself thinking I don't think I want to raise another baby with him, even though I do want two and I want our little one to have a sibling. I just don't know if mentally and emotionally I'm strong enough to handle another one in this situation