coming back next semester

how do i come back from a terrible semester?

This first semester at Berkeley has been the worst few months of my entire life. I barely recognize the person I’ve become here. I’ve betrayed my friends, I’ve lied, and im essentially failing every class to the point I’ll have to switch majors. At first it started off well, I had made friends from earlier commitments but I soon began to drift away from them. I wanted the stereotypical college experience — with the drinking and the going out but I soon realized I couldn’t balance it both. I got lazy and burnt out to the point where I began falling behind and failing all of my classes. Since everything for my major is series based im essentially forced to switch out.

As for the friendship thing, there’s nothing much I can say expect for the fact I betrayed their trust with my comments on them. The situation has left me questioning who I’ve become. I don’t recognize the person who could act so carelessly, and it’s brought me so much anguish. I never intended to hurt someone I care about, but intentions don’t undo the damage. I’m looking into therapy because I know I need help.

I’m wondering if it’s worth sticking out next semester or cutting my losses and transferring next year after I start meeting regularly with someone