crying in my room. raging at the bar examiners. anyone else???
This test is a garbage dumpster fire of illegitimate *bars* to success. How could our entire careers be conditioned on a test that is worded in an unclear and frankly asinine way? We are trained to be concise as attorneys -- this test? word salad. testing narrow areas of the law that not ONE practitioner knows or has ever known or will ever need to know. testing not if we can be good attorneys but if we can memorize massive amounts of intricate details and apply it to convoluted fact patterns that we will never see in real life.
This is not about me, but I literally completed 3,500 UWorld/Themis questions, started studying on May 7th, took three days of a break during that time, studied 8-10 hours a day. The back half of the MBE killed me. Not even sure I got 50 of them right, must less 65. I'd never had such a bad showing even when I just started studying. I know I'm not the only one feeling this way. I just cannot believe this is where I am after all this work. I'm pissed at the bar prep companies for this false advertising that the test is one of "minimum competency" and that if you complete X% you have an X% chance of passing. Maybe I'm being unfair because i feel like i got robbed, but there is something innately wrong with this test.
See you all in February.