Should I get the Hope and Plum Lark?

ETA: Thank you to everyone who responded! I've been following this sub since my 2nd trimester and knew how helpful you all would be!

From what everyone has said, I still have time yet for baby to grow so I'll hold off on ordering anything new for now. I live in a rural community, but I can reach out to, what's essentially a lending library, in a city that's about an hour away to see if they have any of the mentioned carriers. I'll also start using my ring sling as that seems to be a pretty popular and easy option!

Thank you again, everyone!

Hi! FTM here with a chunky monkey 3-week-old (over 9 lbs now), and I'm looking for advice!

I have a keababy wrap and a ring sling (can't remember the brand - I'm naptrapped!). We also have a Lillebaby all season carrier (which we're not using yet). We bought them all secondhand.

I haven't tried the ring sling yet, but I've worn the wrap a few times, and while I think I could get used to it, the stretchy jersey fabric is so hot! Both baby and I get warm and need to make sure we're in minimal layers while wearing it. This has me thinking about a few months from now. We're currently in Canada, and we're planning to visit family in Europe in May/June. I don't think, even weight permitting, that I'll want to use the wrap at that point because it'll be far too warm. I want to maybe look into another option that'll be simple to put on and that we can travel with. Maybe with some structure?

I've heard so much on here about the Hope and Plum Lark carrier, as well as some other brands (Sakura Bloom, Artipoppe, Ergobaby, etc). Looking at the prices, however, is making this a really difficult decision. I really would rather keep it around or below $200. I've been checking on FB marketplace, but no luck yet.

I'm 5'7 and a US size 14/16 if that helps narrow down the options. Please help!