Why I attract toxic relationships

Everytime I’m in relationship and keep my ego everything is fine. But when I start being “grateful” and treat person more warm they just abuse me. Last relationship to the point of beating me and abusing physically overall. Also could this reading something about my karma or which lessons I need to learn? I seem to be alone for long periods of time then attract someone when I’m emotionally desperate. Then get attached to them and they feel it and abuse it basically.

Everytime I’m in relationship and keep my ego everything is fine. But when I start being “grateful” and treat person more warm they just abuse me. Last relationship to the point of beating me and abusing physically overall. Also could this reading something about my karma or which lessons I need to learn? I seem to be alone for long periods of time then attract someone when I’m emotionally desperate. Then get attached to them and they feel it and abuse it basically.