What is your Rising Sign & your Venus Sign, and what is your personal style?
Not sure if the memes I posted are accurate, but can be used for reference! If your style is different from the images, I’d love to know how!
(Note if you’re a man (or a masculine dressing woman/gender neutral individual), use the buzzword applied to your signs, but just visualize what that would look like for more masculine fashion taste!)
My example is I’m a Leo Rising with a Scorpio Venus (my Venus squares my rising) & I’m either seen walking around in bright neon colors, or black/edgy styles (with no in between!) I guess I don’t have a “signature” style, but I have 2 styles since my rising & Venus kinda clash (photos seen attached). It depends on my mood (same rules apply even if I go casual with no makeup).
So my question is; what is your rising & Venus sign, and how does it affect your style/fashion taste?