Here’s an excerpt from The Farlander Papers (1993) about the origin of the Rebel Alliance. It’s interesting to see how well Andor aligns with this backstory—and how it might continue to do so in Season 2.
The Farlander Papers was a companion booklet included with certain editions of the 1993 Star Wars: X-Wing game. It served as an in-universe dossier on Keyan Farlander, a Rebel pilot, detailing his recruitment, training, and early missions in the Rebellion. The booklet helped immerse players in the game's story by providing background on Farlander's journey from a simple farmer to a key figure in the fight against the Empire.
If I’m not mistaken, this is the first mention of the Ghorman Massacre. It’ll be fascinating to finally see it brought to life in season 2—assuming that’s what we glimpse in the leaked teaser trailers.
The excerpt also highlights Mon Mothma’s escape from Coruscant to avoid arrest by the ISB, which we’ll likely see play out on screen as well.
I also wonder if season 2 will include secret meetings with Bail, similar to what we see in this excerpt.
The Farlander Papers was a companion booklet included with certain editions of the 1993 Star Wars: X-Wing game. It served as an in-universe dossier on Keyan Farlander, a Rebel pilot, detailing his recruitment, training, and early missions in the Rebellion. The booklet helped immerse players in the game's story by providing background on Farlander's journey from a simple farmer to a key figure in the fight against the Empire.
If I’m not mistaken, this is the first mention of the Ghorman Massacre. It’ll be fascinating to finally see it brought to life in season 2—assuming that’s what we glimpse in the leaked teaser trailers.
The excerpt also highlights Mon Mothma’s escape from Coruscant to avoid arrest by the ISB, which we’ll likely see play out on screen as well.
I also wonder if season 2 will include secret meetings with Bail, similar to what we see in this excerpt.