An albertan on AISH with Epilepsy and seizures I need advice
Any Canadian Epileptics on AISH?
I’ve been considering applying for AISH as I’ve been having trouble finding employment or keeping my jobs due too appointments and seizures in my sleep leading too memory lose and confusion for a majority of my day and it’s just a bunch of other stuff (in my confusion, I usually go into some sort of psychosis that in the past has gotten violent, extremely violent I don’t wanna sound like a jack ass but I’m a guy who can do damage, and I don’t remember it afterwards due to my epilepsy it’s happened in the past if you check my previous posts) I’ve tryed going into work at multiple place after these nocturnal seizures just to be sent home or questioned about my disability Or just flat out, laid off because I’m disabled and need a accommodation (yes, I have filed rights complaints)i’m very forthcoming with my diagnosis before my employment even begins but of course, after being hired, these issues lead me to losing my job before my diagnosis I have never been fired or let go from a position now I’ve been struggling for the past two years with employment due to my state of mind after the seizures I’ve had them in my sleep and during the day and yes, I am a diagnose epileptic i’ve been working with my neurologist however, I’ve decided now to talk to him about the possibility of applying for AISH as I can’t risk homelessness over my brain throwing these obstacles in my way, I know I wouldn’t hire somebody who has to miss at least one day a week even with part-time work, I found a difficult it would be one thing if I was a total jack ass but that’s not the case here I’ve been restricted by my disability since diagnosis here. Anybody here have any success with applying for AISH if so, how severe was your epilepsy? Was it an easy process for you? How long did it take you before you found employment that was suitable with your condition? I just have a lot of questions everybody has. I’m really concerned that this is going to be a lifetime problem, and it may be better to start applying now than later.
Sorry for my horrible typing.