1 million questions
ok so i’m hoping on to this game super late lol… my boyfriend just got me a switch and i’ve been playing for the last few days but im super impatient and am hoping someone can help me out, even if it’s just answering 1 or 2 of the many things im curious about:) if theres somewhere i can go to even watch a video to give me all the basics i will happily be directed
im still waiting for my house to be built so i am FRESH FRESH with this game
- when do new days start? and in these new days do my supplies replenish? ie: fruit trees, rocks, etc.
- what supplies are worth keeping and what’s the best stuff to sell? i’m trying to keep and place one of every fish and insect for when the museum is done so i can donate. i’m not sure if there’s any other reason to keep items
- do i ever get to build a bridge to cross the river? im assuming yes but when? i feel like there’s so little space to do anything and theres so much good stuff on the other sides
- is online like really worth it? i’m really going back and forth but i don’t wanna spend the money if it’s not ACTUALLY worth it..
- how long does it take for stuff orders to come in and buildings to finish?
- i keep seeing stuff about codes everywhere, i’m guessing being able to use that comes with time? or is it online specific?
- is there certain ways to attract bugs and fish? do better tools catch better things? when the heck can i find sea creatures?
i definitely have a lot more questions and i know more will come up as i play but these are the ones that are always at the top of my head. peace and love!!!! TIA xx