Bar Shampoo
So I was looking for advice from people and this seems to be the main reddit that has talk of shampoo bars so I will post this here. So I have been using bar shampoo for... maybe 3 years now. I always get it from a local soap maker. I had cut my hair shortly after starting using bar shampoo so I didn't have long hair for long while using it. I currently have long hair again and most of the time I find my bar shampoo is fine, though I do keep a bottle of clarifying shampoo for if I let my hair go for to long without a wash. So that's a bit of the back story now onto why I have went looking for advice. So this past month I have been depressed and let my hair washing go longer then usual. I usually was it every 2 weeks but I let it go a month.... part of it was lack of energy the other was the weather has been so cold and dry, I use a boar bristle brush to distribute sebum and my ends needed it, they keep freezing at work from condensation of my breath. I then put coconut oil on my ends before I washed my hair for a few hours. It is the first time using oil on my hair then removing it with a bar shampoo. My nephew had used all my clarifying shampoo and I haven't replaced it. I figured I would need to work a bit harder to get it out but was up to the task. I went through 3 washes and when I was rinsing out my conditioner I could tell my hair was still greasy.
So the question is am I asking to much from my bar shampoo or do I need a better one? I don't know anyone else that uses it so I only have my experience with this one bar I have been getting for years. In the past I have wanted a bit more from it but also partially figured it might be the fact it's just a bar shampoo. If you have one that is potentially a better option I would love to know what people use and their opinions on it.
Sorry I know this is a lot of hair talk for a subreddit thats not necessarily hair but also it's about my hair and a product that likely more people on a zero waste subreddit would know about.