What cards should 100% be banned?

Master Duel is an interesting format because not only is it a BO1, but it also is more based on the OCG rather than the TCG, allowing for many cards banned in the TCG to be experimented with. However, this leads to some cards becoming way more powerful without the option of side decking.

With all that, what cards do YOU think should be banned? To make it more interesting, you can only answer cards that have not already be said. (This way we don't have only Maxx 'C' and Ishizu.)

Master Duel is an interesting format because not only is it a BO1, but it also is more based on the OCG rather than the TCG, allowing for many cards banned in the TCG to be experimented with. However, this leads to some cards becoming way more powerful without the option of side decking.

With all that, what cards do YOU think should be banned? To make it more interesting, you can only answer cards that have not already be said. (This way we don't have only Maxx 'C' and Ishizu.)