Mystery Shop issues (Small rant?)

Silly question for other associates out there, does anybody else feel like the frequency of Mystery Shop has gone up recently? I swear every 2 weeks for the past 3 or so months I’ve been coming into work to hear we failed another one. Today we failed for not asking for reward cards, and our AGM told us that now he has to start writing us up over it?

I can assure you I am asking all my customers for rewards. However it doesn’t stop me from feeling irked because that seems like something that should 100% be on the customer to remember, not our job to remind them. It slows down our routine and causes some customers to take way longer by getting frazzled and digging for their card.

I swear they’ve never been this frequent though, but maybe I’m just insane. I swear if I ever get written up for something mundane like not asking for a rewards card when coworkers have done way worse stuff without getting any reprimands, I might just quit. The corporate nitpicking is getting more and more intense.