Victory Gardens & other solutions for precarious futures 🫘🌱☀️
Hi good folk,
This may spark controversy, and - yet - I hope it also inspires collective solution-finding.
Is anyone else thinking about Victory Gardens or something of the like? For food security and local plant medicine supplies?
We have the right kinds of people, climates, and a lot of land that isn't being used for these. We also have many struggling with food insecurity and health issues that locally grown healthy food and plant medicines (when taken according to expert advice) could help.
Even well-planned culls for over-abundant rabbit and deer populations could allow for local protein sources. (I repeat, well-planned, not free-for all shooting seasons).
Most know how far afield our produce origins are. Plant medicines are often grown on other continents (eg. Eastern Europe). Protein costs are rising.
In permaculture, there's the saying that in every problem lies a solution, so I'm sowing the seed.
If other creative solutions are out there, feel free to share too. 🫘🌱☀️
Edit: For those unfamiliar with the concept of Victory Gardens and their role in WWII, check out the wiki link below. Also, BBC shows like Land Girls and Home Fires brilliantly illustrate their importance and similar initiatives. As well as the role of the Women's Institute in creative-solution finding across classes and socio-economic levels.