Ginger cake – do these molasses look bad to you?

I'm baking a rich sticky ginger cake (Domestic Gothess recipe) and I still have almost a full jar of molasses in my cupboard I could use instead of treacle. It's about 3 years past the best before date, and I think I used it last year or maybe the year before to make ginger cake but this time I noticed what looked to me like crystallisation. Having done some online searching it appears molasses don't crystallise and I keep seeing people reference a 'film' on molasses being mould. Does anyone know if this is what is on mine? I won't use it if I'm not sure but wanted to ask before I bin the whole thing.

I'm baking a rich sticky ginger cake (Domestic Gothess recipe) and I still have almost a full jar of molasses in my cupboard I could use instead of treacle. It's about 3 years past the best before date, and I think I used it last year or maybe the year before to make ginger cake but this time I noticed what looked to me like crystallisation. Having done some online searching it appears molasses don't crystallise and I keep seeing people reference a 'film' on molasses being mould. Does anyone know if this is what is on mine? I won't use it if I'm not sure but wanted to ask before I bin the whole thing.