ULPT Request: Overly strict phone ban. How to get back?
My school has recently enacted an overly strict and invasive phone ban. A complete ban on phones during instructional hours is completely fine, even welcomed by me. However, they go too far. They do not allow for exceptions for classes such as senior project (a class where you often need to contact, via phone, mentors and people outside of school) or music classes for use as tuners. During free periods (y'know, the time where there's no instructional hours) they still take your phone. If you say no, then they will take you to the office, issue detentions, and even suspensions. Just for saying "no". This phone ban is a complete overstep and a power trip by school faculty.
So now I'm wondering. How can I, while staying within the rules of the phone ban, and within local, state, and federal laws, either avoid the phone ban, get it potentially revoked by school board, or just annoy and give much grievance to the school administration who enacted this. I will gladly answer any questions revolving around other school rules. I'd rather not harass or annoy normal teachers, as they had no part in deciding on the phone ban.
For clarity, the phone ban is a ban on "Any and all Personal Electronic Devices"