Home Loan Payment Issue via Website

Hi all.

I currently have a mortgage through USDA, however the website doesn’t appear to be functioning correctly. I pay my mortgage through the website when I pay my electric and water. It always appears to be successful and I’ve never got an error message.

Flash forward to today, I get a letter in the mail saying I’ve missed two payments. I check my bank app and lo-and-behold it was never taken out for the last few months.

This has put me in a pretty horrible spot as I’ve been paying off bills as I just had a baby and paid more money than I apparently had on hospital bills as the my mortgage has not been paid like I had thought.

What can be done? Is there any help to get me out of this mess? This sucks majorly. Also… why is AutoPay not an option?

The website won’t even let me see how much I owe on my loan unless it’s business hours which is insane to me so when I pay at night I can’t see that I’ve missed any payments.

Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.