The YIMBY movement is its own worst enemy. The push for low-income, affordable housing to be built in the Pacific Palisades is just the latest example.
YIMBY activists act like they're so decent, common sense oriented, and pro-growth. But in reality, they just want oceanfront property they can afford and they don't want to have to work so hard in order to get it.
The ones I've had the displeasure of interacting with think the problem is that there just aren't enough soulless boxes stacked on top of one another along the coasts. Such that they could afford to rent one for $1k a month or whatever they can afford.
I'm not saying our zoning laws are by any means perfect. Much of America is too car-centric and some of their other points aren't so bad, but when it comes down to it - their most visible "wins" come in the form of stealing other people's homes and neighborhoods.
It's disgusting.
If you're a developer or something I get it. You want to build. You feel needlessly regulated to the point of paralysis. But if you're not, you really need to take a look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself why you're so thrilled at the prospect of other people's losses being your own selfish gain.