I broke up with my boyfriend last night because he had an only fans
He was staying with my mom and I since his whole family has Covid. Lately he had been hiding his phone a lot and he had been really rude and calling me names. The second night he stayed over he didn’t hear his alarm even after I asked him to check it was on. So third night while he was asleep I turned his alarm on and went though his phone. I saw in his emails he had a few from only fans about payment and messages from girls. I woke him up asked him to be completely honest with me and he denied everything. I told him to open the only fans and let me see what he was doing and asked why he had only fans his reply “ I dunno I wanted to see what they looked like” he kept pretending not to know the password so I was getting mad he finally opened the app and I said “let me see” he said no and that he would just delete the account. I told him not to that I wanted to see what he had been hiding for so long and what was so important. He wouldn’t give me his phone so I said show me or I’m kicking you out. He wouldn’t show me so I slammed the door open and threw his stuff on the floor and told him not to come back and that I was breaking up with him. He had no where to go so he slept in his car during a terrible thunderstorm. I’ve been crying my eyes out all day as a 3 year relationship was flushed down the drain. Our whole relationship everytime I had his phone there was naked girls on his social media and little by little I told him to delete them and that I didn’t like that but to see that he was paying for them I couldn’t take it anymore.
Edit: he got his stuff I asked if he cared about our relationship ending he said no it was a bad relationship from the beginning. And asked him why I had to break up with him and why he didn’t break up with me since it was so bad he said this “ I didn’t want to because of the comfortability of having you around “