6 months post-op update

So, it's been 6 months since my final surgery, I've been living my life without dysphoria and it has been great, I didn't even know I could feel like this, I feel joy but most importantly I feel peace. I haven't posted much because I've been very busy, I've moved out and decided to leave my country, started a new life with my partner, and it's been a wild ride, started to workout and now I have more confidence, my new goal is to have a fit body so I could post in smalldickfitbody haha.

Something I wasn't aware of when I was dysphoric was that I didn't have any goals or wishes that were unrelated to my transition since I was pretty miserable and if i did had I didn't give any attention because I couldn't live with myself before, now it's different because I realized that I do have other goals, like I want to get a car, I want to have a family, i want to learn new stuff and try new things, and I'm enjoying it, I'm enjoying my life now.

These are the photos I took this past months to show you my progress and my happiness, I'll always gonna be updating every once in a while but now I'm gonna focus on other stuff. Maybe my next post will be at 10 months or more. We'll see.

So I decided to make a comparison for a group of trans friends online I have in which I compared my dick with a cis microdick, I'm gonna post it since i didn't find anything in the rules that says it's not allowed but let me know if it's not allowed and I'll delete it and re-upload my post. (Photos are taken from micropenis and smalldickfitbody, both are public forums and I couldn't find the original users only the repost bot).

There are some photos of where my scars are since some people wanted to see them.

I decided to try the extenders but after two weeks I forgot, maybe in a future I'll try once more but it's pretty difficult since I get bored easily, I know it works if you do it for a long time. (Metoidioplasty, UL, testicular implants, No V-nectomy, bifid scrotum).

If you have any question feel free to ask! You can see my whole process in this profile.