You CAN win with actual boxing
I also am frustrated by the hook spammers that mindlessly rush in on you with the slo mo barrage. However since I discovered something I have won my last 4-5 matches fairly easily at the 1700 ELO range and climbing.
The key is you HAVE to have room scale and some room to move. Good cardio is a plus.
1) stay on the move, mostly circling. I go to my left. Keep one foot in front with the other behind. This allows rocking back and forth as needed to dive in for a jab or to back away from punches.
2) while circling, deliver measured jabs when possible. If you are being bull rushed, just keep circling and alter angles. If you see an opportunity throw some 1-2 combos and back out or get on the body. V1 isn’t the best for this in terms of points but I am speaking more on avoidance of opponent punches for obvious reasons. But again you must have room to do this. And now you can put a minimum on all opponents roomscale space :)
3) I have found that high damage can come from occasionally getting in close from the side and throwing tight controlled hooks to both the body and head. But always keep moving so that you don’t get tagged by spam. Then bounce back out and circle again. If you don’t know what I mean, go watch some videos of Tyson when he stepped inside their reach.
This strategy has given me the most success and way higher damage than before. I am literally doubling or tripling the opponent’s damage points on the order of 800 to opponents 300 every round.