One player that I have enjoyed so much this season, is Boston Rob
Growing up watching Survivor, Boston Rob's breakout in season 8 was when I was in my peak fandom as a kid and I absolutely loved him. I loved him more and more in each Amazing Race season he was on as well as future Survivor seasons. It's a bit surreal to see him older now, a father of 4, and returning to reality TV but it has been such a blast for me.
The best thing about him in his recent stints is he will try his hardest and is always so complimentary of others and so understanding of the game aspect. On top of all of that, he's a good sport about it all. Criticizing himself and laughing at himself throughout, getting along with so many members of the cast that you would not normally see him get along with (especially if you watched his early runs on Survivor), and helping others like what we saw with Ciara. He's an absolute treat on these shows.
On top of all of that, the way he breaks down strategy is probably his greatest asset. He's someone who just clearly gets it on these shows and will always deliver.
Maybe the surreal feeling is because I'm older myself and am a new father myself, so seeing his happy wit and charm shine through is heartwarming for me. But I just wanted to shout him out for being a great catalyst, a hard, entertaining player, and a great person through and through. He wasn't always presented this way if you were tracking him in the 2000s, so it's so nice seeing how clearly happy he is with life.