Changes you want to see to the PARTY system?

So, I think the general consensus is that the party system kind of sucks. And party quests are pretty annoying. Overall there just isn't much reason for me to want to party, even just the act is time spent I would rather be catching or something.

What are some praises you have of the current system?

  • The 3-hour change was very necessary.

  • Rare tandemouse exclusive is nice.

  • Parties can share Lucky Eggs, Starpiece, etc with each other. (added by CrazyMARB)

  • Raid party powerup, I guess is nice.

  • Small chance of Mega energy, 400pkmn candy is alright.

What are some ideas you wish the party system had.

  • A rare chance for an excusive Raid battle instead of a mission would be a cool feature.

  • Missions should not linearly scale with party size.
    If we have two players, we have to catch 10 pokemon. If we have 4 we need to catch 20. Either the mission should scale higher because we have more people to carry us. OR the missions should scale lower (4 people = catch 17 pokemon) because that encourages bigger parties.
    Right now, it is much more advantageous to create parties of two. Then add people. Complete the challenge. Then break the party and remake. It is a stupid system that we get no advantages for bigger party.

  • D-Max system doesn't get any party power is weird.

  • Rewards are currently too small and too repetitive. Every pokemon challenge is usually the same reward again and again.

  • Remote or longer distance party would probably be nice. I understand local play, but some of my real life friends do live in a different area. It would be nice to party up with them to help each other.

    • Especially cool opportunity to feature challenges or something, since the Party feature counts who got the most 'excellents' or who spun the most stops etc.

I am sure you guys have much better ideas too that I didn't mention or didn't even think about.