I prefer playing games via subscription services over buying them

Full disclosure: Subs are pretty much free for me since I've been mooching off someone's ps plus, and I have enough MS reward points that game pass is basically free. I've had the classic huge steam backlog from buying shit for years, but I stopped after realizing its been collecting dust. I feel like I need to save them for later in case of a rainy day with nothing to do, but this only leads to me never playing them. On the off chance I do, I still can't really commit myself to playing past an hour or so. This changed when I shifted to ps extra and game pass, and I started playing and beating way more games. There's enough time pressure from games leaving the service every month that even with how big the lineup is, I can focus on a couple that interest me and commit to beating them before the lineup refreshes. The only game that I've dropped since then has been dragon quest 11, because of how long it is. It also makes it much easier for me to beat the big higher profile game pass drops before the zeitgeist moves on entirely from them. I probably wouldn't be having this view though if I was dealing with all the price hikes.