Help, the pain during my sessions is UNBEARABLE and the lidocaine injections do absolutely nothing to mitigate it. What are my options?! Can I be knocked out?

Please, I don't need to hear about how easy and painless your tattoo removal is, I'm at my wits end here.

So I have a very large, heavy-handed, color saturated tattoo that takes up about a quarter of my back, and on the edge of my ribs a little bit. I just had my 5th session today and they've all been terrible, but pain wise they seem to be getting WORSE not better. I can't even keep up a basic conversation with my technician, all I can do is scream and swear. Today's session was even worse, I was literally sobbing and hyperventilating from the pain. Even with the lidocaine injections and taking some advil beforehand it seems to have very little effect on the pain. (Which is funny cause the lidocaine helped me a great deal when I actually got the tattoo.) It's essentially a 40 minute torture session every time and while I've made progress, I still have a long way to go. I have NO idea how I can do this, my tech is great and empathetic to my situation but it's honestly getting unbearable and I'm only like halfway done.

She suggested getting CO2 treatments in between laser sessions to help with the pain, but given how severe it is, I'm skeptical it's going to be much of an improvement. I'm seriously getting desperate here. Is it possible to pay out of pocket to just be completely knocked out for removal sessions? Is this even allowed? Should I take a Valium or something beforehand? Would it even help? I asked my tech about icing the area but she said not to do this as it could cause skin damage.

All I see are people talking about how it's unpleasant but manageable, but that has not been my situation at all. Wondering if there's anyone who's had a similarly horrific removal experience who can advise. Thanks!

EDIT: Looks like the main message I'm getting is that ICE is really necessary to reduce the pain. I will insist on it next time, even if my tech complains about it I don't care, I can't tolerate these sessions as-is anymore. Thanks for your input everyone!