Reconcilation spread help?

I pulled a reconciliation spread for myself and an ex and was hoping someone could help interpret. The top card is a yes/no position, second row is a general about reconciling, last row is for overall clarifiers.

9 of cups: this to me reads as a yes card, reconciliation will happen. This card's meaning confuses me though as i've seen many differing interpretations. Generally, it seems like an emotional-wish granted, or what you're asking for leads to emotional satisfaction.

7 of swords, 8 of wands, temperance: this row confuses me mostly due to the 7 of swords. 8 of wands generally denotes fast-communication, with temperance meaning patience or healing. Together these read as positives, which is why i'm confused about the 7 of swords. I like how they're on opposite ends of each other though, perhaps meaning 7 of swords will transform into temperance?

Clarifiers, page of swords and 6 of wands: this row also confused me as these two seem opposites. The 6 of wands generally meaning success and recognition, to me reads as a positive for reconciliation. Page of wands could indicate that there could still be immaturity involved, or perhaps some spying going on since this card seems to on the average imply some sort of observing?


I pulled a reconciliation spread for myself and an ex and was hoping someone could help interpret. The top card is a yes/no position, second row is a general about reconciling, last row is for overall clarifiers.

9 of cups: this to me reads as a yes card, reconciliation will happen. This card's meaning confuses me though as i've seen many differing interpretations. Generally, it seems like an emotional-wish granted, or what you're asking for leads to emotional satisfaction.

7 of swords, 8 of wands, temperance: this row confuses me mostly due to the 7 of swords. 8 of wands generally denotes fast-communication, with temperance meaning patience or healing. Together these read as positives, which is why i'm confused about the 7 of swords. I like how they're on opposite ends of each other though, perhaps meaning 7 of swords will transform into temperance?

Clarifiers, page of swords and 6 of wands: this row also confused me as these two seem opposites. The 6 of wands generally meaning success and recognition, to me reads as a positive for reconciliation. Page of wands could indicate that there could still be immaturity involved, or perhaps some spying going on since this card seems to on the average imply some sort of observing?
