Recently, Bethesda have been way too safe with adult themes, and this will limit TESVI if it continues.

The Elder Scrolls has always been rather tame in this regard (Morrowind perhaps a bit little less so)

However, Starfield ramped this up to a new level. It's the latest big Bethesda game, so similar trends are likely to carry on, which is why I'm bringing it up. It also has an M rating.

It really felt like Nickolodeon at times when dealing with anything to do with criminals violence.

Neon, for example is talked about like it's this galactic lawless haven of drug addicts, but came out to daycare for angsty adults on edibles, the Neon socialite dress had full sleeves and leggings under the dress lol

Obviously I don’t just want edge for the sake of edge, but the degree to which Starfield is thematically sanitised made me think that it fundamentally limits what kind of story you can tell. Imagine the Thieves guild or Pirates in TESVI looking like the Crimson Fleet?

It feels like Bethesda is so petrified of trying to keep away from those overreacting tweets or articles highlighting a potentially "problematic" moment or quest, so they limit their scope.