Player 3 - Community Builder

I’m not a game dev, but I am building a passion project to help game developers.

As many others, gaming has been a big part of my life since I’m a 90’s kid, and I’d love for it to continue being a part of my future.

I’ve noticed that many developers have issues with either long term community building and discoverability. I don’t think discoverability can be fixed per se, but I do think it could be enhanced, and I’m working on something to do just that.

Player 3 is a combination of Patreon and Steam. I’m not trying to compete with Steam by any means, but I am trying to give gamers a place to go when they want to find something outside of the traditional keyword search or paid advertising. I’m also creating a place where gamers can create sustainable communities to help support their ongoing projects.

This is meant for small-mid sized devs and studios.

It’ll likely be out around February, but I’d love to brainstorm any thoughts, ideas, or features that you would like to see in something like this.

Fully prepared for the toxic comments as well. lol.